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LCCC Technology Purchase Limitations:
1. Students must purchase all textbooks/required materials for their classes before they can purchase technology.
2. ALL technology orders placed through our website MUST have a student number on the order. Any order without a student number will be dropped or the items will be dropped from the order.
3. Any technology orders being shipped through UPS: The shipping address must match student records. If it does not match, the order will be dropped. Records can be contacted to update student records.
4. Students are limited to one computer/laptop purchase during their LCCC Career when using Financial Aid.
5. Students can purchase 1(one) tablet/iPad a year. The year begins on the purchase date of the tablet when using financial aid.
6. Students can purchase 1 (one) mp3 player/ iPod, Smart Watch, Airpods, Beats or Home pods Per semester when using Financial Aid.
7. Students may only purchase $50 worth of iTunes gift cards per semester when using Financial Aid.